We understand your request for fastest possible delivery. Usually your order will be shipped immediately after payment is received. The only exceptions are items with an extended delivery time. Please refer to the product details for the respective delivery time. Shipments within Germany are usually delivered within 24 hours after shipment. For shipments outside of Germany, delivery usually takes place within 3-5 business days. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Manageable quantities
PSA-Partner works with all common service providers, so we can guarantee reliable delivery for manageable quantities.
Pallet goods
For palletized goods, we deliver exclusively with selected and experienced shipping companies and discuss the delivery with you in advance, so that your goods arrive not only quickly but also intact.
Delivery of large quantities and foreign items
For orders of large quantities and third-party items, the partner will personally discuss and plan the delivery, whether within Germany, the EU or internationally with you.
Shipping cost
-> flat rate 7,99€ per order
-> Free of charge from an order value of 400€ (net)
-> flat rate 29,90€ per order
Please contact us if you want to place an order from a country outside the EU.
If you have any questions about shipping methods, please feel free to contact us via our contact form.